Experience banking like never before. Spend, save, invest and control your money right from your phone. Open a free account with your phone number in just 2 minutes.
No branch No problem
Everything you can do in a branch all on your phone. Transfer funds, apply for a debit card and get instant notification whenever you spend or receive money, no detail left behind.
Make better money moves
Settle bills and buy airtime to unlock exclusive rewards, set budgets for everyday things like data, food and more or stash money to enjoy up to 15% interest rates on your savings.
Unlock financial prosperity
Get better at making, spending and stashing money with our financial literacy program which shows you how to have a better relationship with your finances.
Safety nets you can always count on
Our savings account comes with short-term loans that gets you ready for the unexpected. Say bye bye to the days of paying medical bills out of your pocket, with our embedded micro-insurance plans you can now enjoy access to very affordable healthcare cover all year long. No document or additional paperwork required.
Everything you can enjoy with Pecan
Instant Payment Notifications
Microinsurance Cover
Seamless Digital Signup
Instant Settlement
Quick loans
USSD and internet banking
Financial mentorship/advisory
Functional debit cards
Juicy interest rates
No hidden fees
24/7 customer support on web channels and phone lines
What people are saying about us
Sign up to open a savings account perfect for your everyday money needs
Join Pecan today to get your physical or virtual debit card. Download our app to sign up and order your physical card.